Tuesday 9 October 2007

Tasks for Week 12 PCL

what can BMi tell you?(shantz)
how to determine your body fat? instrument to measure(shantz)
def of obesity,overweight, etc.(shantz)
distribution of fat in the body as an indicator of pathology and determinant for Mx ( Sri)
psychosocial issues of being overweight- stress, self esteem, desperate measures(slimming pills, side effect) -(john)
mx- relation to daily activities(exercise), diet planning(dietician)- (Madhura)
relationship between smoking and losing weight -(lawrence)
cause of overweight -(Ji Keon)
complication of overweight -(Vivian)

http://www.ifnotdieting.com (ji keon, madhura, chris)

find out what each of the following diet involve,proposed mechanism by which it is claimed to produce weight loss, scientific support, possible risks, disadvantages (lawrence, john, Shantz)
-ornish (lawrence)
-pritikin (lawrence)
-atkin (shantz)
-sears' the zone and the south beach diet(restricted carbo diet) - (John)
-weight watchers-> point system - (John)

use internet, search 'unilever' + 'Atkins Diet' -> what impact does it have on mainstream public health nutrition campaigns and how should this issue be addressed (christine, vivian)
-find examples of what potential impact a popular diet might have on
- low fat diet food industry (Christine, Vivian)
- the food industry in general (Christine,Vivian)

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