Monday, 20 August 2007

Tasks For PCL 6

Growth Chart (How to interpret?)
- Definition of centile
- What's normal
- Criteria for short stature

Endocrine causes of Short Stature

Chronic diseases related to short stature
- include chronic infections

Intrauterine Growth Retardation
- causes/ pathophysiology

Other causes of Short Stature
-Genetic causes of Short Stature (Hereditary and Non-hereditary)
- Malabsorption
- Malnutrition

Investigations for causes of Short Stature
- focus on endocrine system

Management and prognosis of Short Stature
- focus on endocrine system

Psychosocial factors related to Short Stature

Epidemiology of Short Stature
- In Malaysia vs the rest of the world

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