Wednesday 30 May 2007

Deep Vein Thrombosis
Signs & Symptoms

- leg pain
- leg tenderness
- swelling of leg
- increased warmth of leg
- changes in skin colour of leg (redness & bluish skin discoloration)
*Keep in mind many of the signs and symptoms are similar to many other conditions
eg. Muscle strains, skin infections, inflammation of superficial veins, cardiac related diseases (heart attack), lung related diseases (pneumonia)
*Nice to know: deep vein thrombosis related to pregnancy is also known as phlegmasia alba dolens.

Many patients do not show the symptoms until the clot dislodges and travels to the lung and causes pulmonary embolism.
- rapid heart rate
- shortness of breath
- sharp chest pain which worsens with deep breathing
- coughs up blood


(Posted by: Vivian)

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