Monday 26 March 2007

Anatomy Task for Week 5

Anatomy Task (Week 5)

􀂾 Describe the bones of the cranial vault & their relations (Christine)
􀂾 Describe the boundaries and contents of the cranial fossae (Chris)
􀂾 Describe the meninges & related spaces (Ji Keon)
􀂾 Discuss intracranial haemorrhages (Ji Keon)
􀂾 Describe the venous sinuses of the skull (John)
􀂾 Describe contents & communications of the cavernous sinus (Madhura)
􀂾 Describe the sensory cutaneous supply to the head (Shanthini)
􀂾 Describe the boundaries & contents of the scalp (Sri)
􀂾 Explain why scalp wounds bleed profusely(Sri)
􀂾 Explain CSF rhinorrhoea & otorrhoea (Vivian)
􀂾 Demonstrate the surface anatomy of the cranial vault; indicate clinical situations when this knowledge may be useful (Lawrence)

Happy researching =)

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